Welcome to my homepage! I am Quang Vinh Nguyen (PhD). I am the Associate Dean - Graduate Studies and an Associate Professor in Visual Analytics at the School of Computer, Data and Mathematical Sciences and the MARCS Institute, Western Sydney University. My research areas are in Visual Analytics, Information Visualization, Immersive Analytics, Machine Learning, and related areas in Artficial Intelligence and Data Sciences, particularly Medical Data Analysis, Graph and Network Analysis, Graph Drawing, and Applications with Visualization and Visual Analytics. I am the group leader of the Human Information Communication and Interaction. If you would like to have a chat, please drop me an email.

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Quang Vinh Nguyen (PhD)
Associate Dean - Graduate Studies
Assoc. Professor in Visual Analytics
School of Computer, Data and Mathematical Sciences
Western Sydney University
Phone: +61-2-96859328, Fax: +61-2-4736 0867
Email: q.nguyen@westernsydney.edu.au
Home page: https://staff.cdms.westernsydney.edu.au/~vinh/
Postal Address
Dr. Quang Vinh Nguyen
Room ER.G.18 (Building ER, Parramatta South Campus)
School of Computer, Data and Mathematical Sciences
Western Sydney University
Locked Bag 1797
South Penrith DC, NSW 1797, Australia

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Maintained by: Dr. Quang Vinh Nguyen, Email: q.nguyen@westernsydney.edu.au - Last Updated 2024